Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Thematic Character of Everyday Use by Alice Walker

Often times after a person reads a piece of literature, he or she will form opinions about the motivations of the characters, the effects of the setting, the overall theme or underlying message being conveyed, and the other elements that helped to shape the whole story. After contemplating about their particular beliefs about a work, individuals will find their ideas to be different from others because each of them perceives details of the tale in a varying manner. For this reason, it was not surprising that many of my classmates and I had conflicting opinions about the main themes present in Alice Walker†s â€Å"Everyday Use (For Your Grandmama). Numerous members of the class strongly felt that the story†s central theme lied in the differing values of each the characters. They used textual evidence to prove that Dee†s views on certain issues were so unlike those of her mother and Maggie†s that they actually created a barrier between Dee and her family. Others felt that the setting and the type/amount of education influenced the motives of each of the characters. These people referred to the fact that Dee had the opportunity to obtain a proper education and that Mama and Maggie did not. The rural setting served as a means to enhance their views because it showed that most people had to work instead of receiving an education. In comparison with these viewpoints mentioned, I took a much different approach to interpreting the principal theme of this story. I truly believed that â€Å"Everyday Use† was about the ways in which Dee†s personality affected herself and her family. Using this generalized notion, I developed a more precise theme for this work. Each of us is raised within a culture, a set of traditions handed down by those before us. As individuals, we view and experience common heritage in subtly differing ways. Within many smaller communities and families, deeply felt traditions serve to enrich this common heritage. Alice Walker's â€Å"Everyday Use† explores how, in her eagerness to claim an ancient heritage, Dee denies herself the substantive personal experience of familial traditions in such incidents as the justification of her name change, her comments during the meal with the family, and her requesting Mama for the quilts. Upon arriving at her mother†s new house for the first time, Dee surprises her mother and Maggie with her appearance and her apparent name change. Dee quickly informs her mother that she has made her new name â€Å"Wangero† to reflect her African heritage. She no longer will be named after the people who oppress her. This reference can be attributed to Dee†s possible experiences as a civil rights activist. Among the black community many people adopt African names to reflect their pre-slavery heritage. While this can be a source of strength and affirmation for some, it may represent a rejection of one's past, as it apparently does for Dee. Even her mother†s response that she was named ‘Dee' after her aunt, who was named for the aunt's mother, â€Å"though I probably could have carried it back beyond the Civil War through the branches,† does not have any true effect on her perception of her given name (32). Dee still feels that being called â€Å"Wangero† will give her cultural fulfillment, whereas her real name holds her back from attaining this. She fails to recognize that her mother†s words actually show how the family is proud to pass the name ‘Dee† along generations to help preserve their own traditions. Dee does not feel the pride that is associated with her real name because she possesses a certain prejudice against her family that will not allow her to embrace her own private heritage. This prejudice is rooted in her beliefs that her mother and Maggie are incapable of relating her views due to their lack of education and their unwillingness to accept new ideas. Judging from Dee†s opinions about her name, readers can clearly see that she has misunderstandings about her living heritage that prevent her from feeling the joy of carrying on a family name. Against Dee's claim to her African roots is the thread of tradition in her own family. Not only has Dee achieved an education denied her mother, she has rejected her given name, and she sees self-created symbolism in the food and objects present at the meal. Dee â€Å"[goes] on through the chitlins and corn bread,† â€Å"[talks] a blue streak over the sweet potatoes,† and â€Å"[thoroughly] delights herself [with] everything† (45). Dee finds this meal to be a sort of novelty that she can only appreciate properly because she is now in the proper surroundings to do so. Her usually more sophisticated diet leaves her room to relish such a simple meal and its reflection of her African roots, not her rural family culture. She admits to Mama to not appreciating as a child the benches on which they are sitting, made by her father. Dee can â€Å"feel the rump prints† (46). Yet, when next Dee exclaims to her mother that she wants the butter churn which was whittled out of a tree by her uncle, and that she will use it as a centerpiece for one of her tables, readers suspect her appreciation for the benches and the churn is really as mere artifacts. Dee then turns her attention to the dasher used with the churn. She assures everyone that she will â€Å"‘think of something artistic to do with the dasher'† (53). When the shy Maggie informs them her uncle Henry made the dash, and that they used to call him Stash, Dee exclaims, â€Å"‘Maggie's brain is like an elephant's',† implying that Maggie's knowledge is feral, that she can't help but hold on to facts which are irrelevant (53). Real, human details, such as the name of the man who made the dasher, are not relevant to Dee. She feels the workmanship in the dasher represents good quality art that should be displayed accordingly to mirror her appreciation of her roots. Dee sees the object as a thing of beauty, but not as a part of her very personal culture, a utility reflecting the effort and determination of those who once used it. In turn, she is alienating herself from her personal identification of family†s past through her superficial recognition of the dasher†s value. Dee†s family knows that â€Å"hesitation [is] no part of [Dee's] nature,† and that she is determined to achieve what she desires (6). In the bedroom, rifling through her mother's keepsakes, Dee finds her grandma†s quilts, and tries to lay claim to them. The quilts are made of old dresses and cloths, some handed down from several prior generations. When Dee asks her mother if she can have them, we sense a turning point is reached. Since Dee already rejected them once before, Mama responds to Dee†s request by stating that the quilts have been promised to Maggie. Dee argues that her mother and Maggie cannot properly appreciate the quilts, that the quilts should be displayed. ‘Maggie†¦ [would] probably be backward enough to put them to everyday use'† (66). Dee†s claim to the quilts and her plans to use them as decorations show her outward perception of family heirlooms to be mere objects of display, not treasured items that help people remember their loved ones and make them appreciate the hard work put into them. Dee†s adopted values cloud her mind and thoughts, making her naive to the integrity and genuine nature of her culture. Her mother†s refusal to grant this one favor does not even create any sense of misgivings on her part. Her arrogance and her adherence to her misguided beliefs make her unable to see the true worth of the quilts and their importance to her family†s traditions. Dee†s notions about the quilts thwart her from experiencing the happiness associated with displaying one†s own familial culture to the rest of the world. Our heritage threads through history past the people who contributed to it, to affect us on a personal level. To be fully appreciated and claimed, it must reside in the heart. Dee understands the heritage of people she doesn't know. In this way, her adopted heritage can be understood intellectually, but it is not felt, not personal, and not truly her own. Her rejection of her family†s culture in the rural society will not allow to ever have feelings of personal pride about her true roots. In turn, Dee can never really find happiness in most aspects concerning her immediate family, making it hard for her to have a loving relationship with any of them.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Psycho Dynamic Model of Abnormality Essay

Psychodynamic model of abnormality- the Oral, Anal and Phallic stages of development. Freud suggested that psychological development in childhood takes place in a series of stages that occur throughout fixed periods of time, his theory suggests children develop though psychosexual stages which involve conflict which must be resolved. The Oral stage: This is the first stage of development which occurs at the age of 0-1 years. In this stage the mouth is the source of pleasure for the libido, at this age babies tend to gain comfort by doing things such as biting and chewing toys, breastfeeding etc. Feud also believed that oral stimulation could lead to oral fixation later on in life, for example behaviours such as smoking, biting nails etc. The Anal stage: This stage of development occurs at the age of 1-3 years. The child is now aware that their wishes and needs can bring them into conflict with the demands of the outside world indicating that an ego has developed. In this stage the libido is focused on the anal source of pleasure, conflict tends to come to a head in potty training when parent’s restrictions and going to the toilet in the right place at the right time are imposed on the child, Freud believed over strictness about forcing the child during potty training and cleanliness can cause anal fixation and obsessive behaviour later on in life. The Phallic stage: This stage of development occurs at the age of 3-6 years. Feud suggested that at this stage children become aware of their genitals and the libido is focused on this idea, suggesting that the child becomes aware of emotions such as jealousy, rivalry and fear and erotic attraction. This stage also focuses on the Oedipus and Complex’s. These behavioural types of development were suggested by Freud, the Oedipus complex which focuses on boy’s behaviour and desire to parents, and the Electra complex focussing on girl’s behaviour and desire towards parents. The Oedipus complex: Freud suggested that during the phallic stage young boys and girls go through a stage of desire for their parents, the Oedipus complex outlines the idea that boys develop strong desire for mother, they then Notice a strong bond between parents and Become jealous of father and afraid of the father who might discover the boys true feelings and fearing the punishment of castration is Resolved by identifying with the father. The Electra complex: During the stages of this complex Freud suggested that briefly, the girl desires the father but discovers she does not have a penis which leads to penis envy she then blames mother for her lack and transfer’s love from mother to father, the feelings are then repressed and Resolved by the girl Identifying with mother to become like her.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

An Analysis of Emily Dickinsons Poem, Because I Could Not Stop for Death

In Emily Dickinson's poem, I can not stop death, treating death as a gentleman, he surprisingly visits Dickinson and takes her to a trip to eternity ( See page 24). Ironically, we all know that death is a gentleman, but we all know that this is the opposite. In the second quarter, they all started a slow and calm journey. We are driving slowly, he does not know how to rush (I.5). You can see the silence of the scene where they are located. Dickinson understands the seriousness of her situation here, she forgot everything. Emily Dickinson's poem I can not stop dying Out of Emily Dickinson's poem Can not stop dying represents a reflection of the speaker against death. This poem focuses on the concept of life after death. The background of this verse reflects the approach of death, death is kind and considerate. Through immortal promises, fear is removed, and death not only becomes acceptable, but also is welcomed. - Analysis of Emily Dickinson's I can not stop dying The poets of the 19 th century have written many themes. The general topic is death. Death theme happens in various ways. Emily Dickinson is one of many poets who uses death as the theme of her poetry. In her poem I can not stop death Death is depicted as a gentleman who makes the talker an eternal journey. Since I can not stop death, I was declared Emily Dickinson's most famous poem. This poem reveals the acceptance of calm death of Emily Dickinson. She portrayed her death as a gentleman and she was surprised at her visit. Emily depicts everyday scenes as life cycles. Her metaphor is exploring death in a fictional way, but her line often contains as much uncertainty as meaning. Life and death are oriented forever and are considered not so important in the eternal framework. - Emily Dickinson, using symbolism, was able to create a theme with the theme I can not stop death. . We travel with the speakers and guide us through life, death and other stages. In this poem the symbol we first encountered is de ath. At their conference, the lecturer is dying as if he is the boss who is at the meeting.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Human Resource Management suggestions for Losalot Ltd Essay

Human Resource Management suggestions for Losalot Ltd - Essay Example HRM is all about this. Employees are taught to be positive, deliver quality work, have a sense of humor, and work as a team. Employees should be interested in performing as a team and take joy in team results, rather than aim at individual accomplishments. HRM identifies people with qualities associated with conformity, positive attitude, and partnership. Building a team with members with such exemplary qualities mitigates the work of an organization and together, they can build a work force that performs exemplarily in all the organization desires (Corporate Culture, Auxillium West -The HR Manager). Strong HRM practices are characterized by an equally strong internal labor market, consultative decision making and enterprise unionism. Strong employee-management relationship, leading to employee identification with the firm and a high commitment to innovative production practices that enhance the firm's performance is of prime importance in the context of company progress and development. This could change with employees creating trouble through non-cooperation or their laidback attitude towards their work and superior supervisors. In such situations, it is the company that suffers from low production and strikes. Unless the company HR personnel are well versed with legislations, the company will ultimately have to pay heavy compensation to these employees. A good HR is aware of his/her rights and legislations that offer solace to companies against such employee demonstrations. 1.0 Introduction Losalot Ltd is such a company that doesn't employ an HR specialist. All its recruitment and selection are carried out by the company line managers, who without any proper training in HR law, find themselves making mistakes and forced to pay out large sums of money as compensation to job applicants and current employees. Losalot Ltd is left with no choice but to adhere to the demands of the problem-making employees. In order to avoid further annoyance, the company seeks a remedy to bail them out of this perennial problem. HR should be well versed with legislations relating to recruitment, selection, equalizing, employment opportunities and the formation of employments contracts. 2.0 Legislations The Human Rights Act 1998 came into being in October 2000. 18 Articles consisting of rights and freedom came under this statutory. Of these Articles 6/8/9/10/11/and 14 have far reaching implications for HR. One Article addresses the religious sentiments of minority groups at workplace: The reputation of the industry for giving low priority to personnel matters is reflected in an almost universal disregard of the code of racial equality. Discrimination in recruitment, training, motivation, and promotion can have a bearing on life chances. This can also be referred to in 'Religion and Belief, Dec 2003. Can employers monitor their employee's e-mails This can be termed as a violation into the privacy of an individual and can be referred to discrimination of human rights. Are personal relationships at work grounds for dismissal This depends upon the nature of relationship and the context in which, if it does, affects performance. Personal relationships are fine as long as they don't come between duty and quality. However, it is advisable to have personal relationships outside working hours and work premises. Can an employer insist on a dress code or uniform

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Wireless security beyond 802.1x Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Wireless security beyond 802.1x - Essay Example However, many consider the IPsec an improvement on the 802.1x. However, to ascertain the truth, we need to carry out an analysis of the protection provided by the different technologies. The 802.1x assists in controlling access to a computer network. The technology is a port-based access control method that is defined by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering which can be configured to require mandatory authentication between the network and the client. Communications become impossible without the authentication. Many people consider the 802.1x technology as the foundation of wireless security. However, deploying the 802.1x technology has its challenges. The technology requires devices that are compatible with 802.1x . The technology has weakness in its protocol, as it only authenticates at the establishment of a connection. Further connection does not require authentication, resulting in security risks (Al-Shaer, 2014). Additionally, the technology does not have centralized management capability. As such, the IPsec VPN became introduced. The Virtual Private Networks based on IPsec allow a layer of security to become a part of the wireless network, allowing for the protection of all traffic that flows in and out of the network. The method has several advantages over 802.1x including; Invisibility - Since the technology is based at the network level, it remains invisible in its operations (Snader, 2014). The end users do not have to learn its existence, nor do they have to interact directly with it, which is different from the 802.1x technology that requires authentication from clients. Lack of dependence on applications - The IPsec technology does not depend on applications to become effective, as the s=entire system is operated at the network level. As such, it avoids compatibility issues, which are common in 802.1x systems. Broken algorithms - A number of key algorithms used by the IPsec have been cracked,

Monday, August 26, 2019

Impact of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Research Paper

Impact of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome - Research Paper Example 2005) Due to this Fatal Alcohol Syndrome, children that are born are mostly with less dramatic physical defects but with many of the same behavioral and psychosocial characteristics as those with FAS. Fatal Alcohol Effects are often thought of as lower on a continuum than FAS, but this is not correct. Many individuals with FAE, while looking quite normal, have significant deficits in their intellectual, behavioral, and social abilities which prevent them from leading normal lives. About forty-four percent of women who drink heavily during pregnancy will have a child with Fatal Alcohol Syndrome. Of the other fifty-six percent, some will have Fatal Alcohol Effects, be Fatal Alcohol exposed, to minor learning and behavioral difficulties. A few will be normal apparently. (. (Tubman, 1993). Impacts of FAS on Children: There are certain factors which determine that whether the child will be affected with FAS or FAE. The first factor will be the genetic makeup of the mother and the fetus. I t has been observed that many people of a certain population have similar genetic compositions. From various studies and researches, it has been suggested that for example if some individuals of Native American descent do not make enough of an enzyme necessary in the breakdown of alcohol in the liver or some are lacking that enzyme all together, then these individuals would be at genetic risk of passing this trait onto the fetus. A mother's nutritional status and physical well-being might also play roles of varying significance in determining whether an infant is affected, and to what degree, by the prenatal exposure to alcohol. A vivid research is necessary to determine the reason that some developing fetuses are more vulnerable to prenatal exposure to alcohol than others. The knowledge base in this arena needs to be greatly expanded. There is a continuum of effects that can result from maternal prenatal consumption of alcohol. (Olsen and Tuntiseranee 1995). The most common effect that is observed is a rise in the degree of spontaneous abortions which in other word also known as miscarriages. Babies can born with low birth weight, low birth length, and with a small head circumference resulting from prenatal alcohol exposure. Some of the other effects caused by maternal drinking ranges from an increase in the number of stillbirths, an increase in the number of birth defects, increased developmental delays to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and an increased death rate. If a child needs to be diagnosed for FAS, then the child must have a distinct pattern of facial dysmorphia, growth problems, and evidence of abnormality in his central nervous system (CNS). (Beattie et al. 1983; Caley et al. 2005) Facial Dysmorphia: For diagnosing facial dysmorphia, three facial characteristics are required which is a smooth philtrum, a thin vermillion, and a small palpebral fissures based on racial norms. (Connolly-Ahern and Broadway, 2008). Growth Problems : A diagnosis of a child suffe ring from FAS requires confirmation of growth deficits including prenatal or postnatal height or weight, or both, at or below the 10th percentile, documented at any one point in time adjusted for age, sex, gestational age, race or ethnicity.( Connolly-Ahern and Broadway, 2008). CNS Abnormalities: There are three categories on which children with FAS have been diagnosed. One of them is structural abnormalities which consist

Sunday, August 25, 2019

FINAL EXAM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

FINAL EXAM - Essay Example According to the declaration of independence, all people are equal and created free. As such, they have the same natural rights. Thus, legitimate governments should be formed by the approval of the people who are being governed. Consequently, these legitimate governments should therefore secure and guard these rights. The declaration of independence brought to the fore a unanimous decision made by thirteen colonies to dis engage themselves from Britain. However, the most significant element of the declaration of independence since its inception was its declaration that political legitimacy was determined by people. As such, it appealed and advocated for equal rights for all people. Therefore, the meaning of the declaration of independence transcends both circumstances and time. The declaration of independence possesses three vital parts; the preamble, a list of accusations/charges brought against Britain’s king George II and the conclusion. Although the document justifies a re volutionary war, its bases its arguments on universal reason which are in line with laws of nature and of nature’s God. Additionally, the arguments respect opinions of people. The document is guided by its basic principles which include: self-evident truths; the document bases the American government on some self-evident truths like human equality and other unalienable rights. Self-evident truths transcend time, nations and circumstances. Secondly, rights of the people are acknowledged to produce legal governments. Thus, race, heredity, religion or wealth cannot justify government legitimacy. Equality is another third principle of the document. American government is basically about liberty and rights. However, these rights originate from all men being equal. Fourth, the purpose of happiness implies that a legitimate government should guard the unalienable rights such as liberty and life. Human happiness implies that the person or people live their lives to

Humanism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Humanism - Essay Example In contrast to the medieval humanists, the scholars of the new Humanist culture greatly popularized learning, because they focused on the way people describe the world rather than on its reality, and they are known as nominalists. They denied the existence or the knowability of the universal forms that supposedly make up the world It is important to comprehend the late medieval mystic and pious revivals as partly a reaction to the late medieval church hierarchy and the disorder of the church. These revivals as well as the ill-fated movements of doctrinal reform were characterized by lay mysticism and piety, female piety, the mystics, brethren of the common life, the Lollards etc. Therefore, the late medieval mystic and pious revivals reflected the widespread dissatisfaction with official teachings in the late 1300s and 1400s. Mysticism, or the interior sense of the direct presence and love of God, was an important consequence of the late medieval mystic and pious revivals, and it was illustrated by confraternities, or the religious guilds founded for laypersons. "The growth of lay piety was, in essence, an effort to give everyone access to forms of faith that hitherto had been restricted to a spiritual elite. Frightened by the disasters of the age, people hungered for emotional reassurance, for evidence of Go d's love and redeeming grace within themselves." (Tradition and Change in Europe Culture, 1300-1500).

Saturday, August 24, 2019

SWOT Analysis Master Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

SWOT Analysis Master - Case Study Example 2005). Since long, A Company known for inventing the personal computer range on this earth is APPLE COMPUTER. This company has begun a revolutionary raid into personal computing with Apple II. It is highly accredited to help people how to use computers with its accomplishment of the graphical user line in Apple Macintosh. Every single product / service is designed in a different way. Product analysis enables us to see the different features of the product, how different it is in appearance, its feature, its price, its demand and other factors which are required to be considered before its production. A critical review of such points helps management in designing and selling products. The Ipod shuffle has distinctive features. It is the world's smallest music player. Ipod shuffle has two amazing features that make it a best device. First the song capacity is 4 minutes per song and 128 Kbps AAC encoding. It has a capacity to save songs up to 500. It has a very small size and easier to use. It dramatically allows the users to control all its functions quickly. The music library of Ipod shuffle can save 1000 songs. And has a plenty of space to store multiple play lists. Ipod Shuffle is also considered a fashionable accessory which is very famous these days. The voice quality of ipod shuffle as per musician is very huge and dramatic. Moreover it has a huge library in 14 different languages. Situation Analysis: As per market share, Apple at present maintains the most minuscule worldwide user base which is merely 2.5% of any operating system. The Microsoft Windows dominate by 92% in this race. What makes Apple exclusive is its capability to offer inventive and dependable hardware along with trend-setting & consumer responsive software. No other company does so. Amazingly this enabled Apple to ingeniously mingle its strengths in these areas to give fresh solutions to users. Market Analysis: i. Management: In order to persistently innovation of Apple Ipod & retaining enough funds, during competitor launching new product, valuable management is needed for the training & development of employees (JWT, 2008). ii. Capital Accessibility: Calamity of cash flow may be happen cause of heavy competition. When competitors capriciously launch their product in the market, adequate funds must be on hand. iii. Adoption of New Technology: In order to progress

Friday, August 23, 2019

Human resources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 3

Human resources - Essay Example On the other hand, human resource management has previously been defined as the act of managing an organizations workforce and is responsible for attracting, selecting, training, assessing and the rewarding the workers (Price, 2011). The field of human resource management is also responsible for overseeing an organization’s culture in addition to its leadership as it ensures they comply with the set labor and employment regulations (Aswathappa, 2009). Storye provided numerous dimensions offering various difference points between the concepts of personnel management and human resource management. This paper reviews and discusses some of these dimensions in regards to how they have impacted upon an organization’s structure and culture. Storye suggested that personnel management and human resource management differ in terms of the nature of existing relations and their impacts upon organizational structures and cultures. According to him, the nature of the relations can be viewed through two different perspectives which are the unitarist and the pluralist views (Storye, 1992). In personnel management, which is pluralist, more focus is laid on individual interests than is laid on the group’s interest. The relationships that exist between the managements and the employees are merely on contract basis with one party hiring while the other performs duties (Koster, 2007). Alternatively, human resources management follows the unitarist principles with more focus being laid on the groups’ interest (Aswathappa, 2009). The organization’s culture and structures under the human resources management enables the sharing of missions and visions between the workers and the management. These missions and visions are associated to the goals of the organization and help in fulfilling the organization’s and employees mutual interests (Storye, 1992). This implies that the organizations wants are effectively satisfied by the employees whereas the employees’ needs are efficiently satisfied by their organization (Brumfitt et al, 2001). However, under personnel management, the top management of an organization yields utmost power with most of it being centralized (Storye, 1992). The top level managers have absolute power in the process of making decisions with their personnel managers not being allowed to air their views or take part in these processes (Koster, 2007). This impacts the organizations culture and structures since the employees may not have appropriate channels through which they can air their grievances or views regarding the organizations operations (Aswathappa, 2009). The human resources department allows for the decentralization of the control of an organization with power being shared out between the lower and middle level managements. This facilitates the empowerment of employees and the human resource managers within the organization as they play vital roles in making decisions that are shared and collective (Price, 2011). The process is done for the benefit of both the organizations employees and the management (Brumfitt et al, 2001). In other words, the human resource managements focus more on the approaches known as TQM which implies that an organizations management and its employees have shared authority and power

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Second World War Essay Example for Free

Second World War Essay The First World War was truly a significant event in history. The tension that began in Europe evolved into a global conflict which lasted for four long years. The war claimed the lives of both soldiers and civilians, and resulted in the massive destruction of property. After the war ended, the countries involved undertook measures which sought to avoid another global conflict. One of those measures was the drafting of several peace settlements, including the Versailles Treaty. This agreement punished Germany and made it solely responsible for the occurrence of the war. Unfortunately, the treaty caused bitterness from the Germans and paved the way for another world war to occur. Coincidentally, it was the Second World War which resolved the unaddressed issues of the first Great War. Indeed, the Versailles Treaty caused the occurrence of the Second World War, which ended the problems of the First World War. The Versailles Treaty considered Germany to be the only nation liable to the occurrence of the First World War. It must be noted that Germany did initiate the establishment of the alliance system, which guaranteed increased conflict in Europe (Perry, 1989). As an outcome of its triumph in the Franco-Prussian War, Germany acquired the provinces of Alsace and Lorraine. In an attempt to secure these former French territories and prevent France from regaining them, the Chancellor of Germany Otto von Bismarck allied with Italy and Austria-Hungary. Germany continued its aggression after Bismarck was removed from office. When William II assumed the throne, Germany demanded more territory and began to increase its naval strength. However, Germany was not the only nation to blame for the First World War. In fact, Serbia was responsible for starting the war. It was a shooting incident which triggered the widespread conflict: a Serbian named Gavrilo Princip shot Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary and his wife (Heyman, 1997). Austria sought to attack Serbia in return, and turned to Germany for assistance. Hence, the starting point of the First World War was the conflict between Austria and Serbia (Perry, 1989). The end of the First World War brought about several attempts at the restoration of peace, but it was prevented by intentions of the affected parties. Prior to the end of the First World War, U.  S. President Woodrow Wilson had already drafted a program for peace which he presented in Congress through the â€Å"Fourteen Points† speech (Perry, 1989). One of the major points he suggested in his speech was â€Å"peace without victory† (as cited in Perry, 1989, p. 647). Wilson wanted the other countries to practice fairness towards Germany, for he thought that severely penalizing the nation would only force it to avenge their losses. He simply wanted a fair settlement which would guarantee improved foreign relations between the victors and the defeated countries. Unfortunately, Wilson’s hopes ran against the bitter feelings which were developed during the war. The European Allies suffered massive losses, which in turn caused hatred between countries. Among all Allies, France was most affected by the First World War; majority of the battles which happened in the western front took place in French territory. While more than three million French citizens were wounded, more than a million French soldiers died in the war. Hence, it was to be expected that France desired severe punishment for Germany and sought to be compensated for its damaged properties (Perry, 1989). The Versailles Treaty did not guarantee fair treatment towards Germany, as it imposed harsh sanctions on the defeated nation. The settlement was evidently disadvantageous for Germany; it was created to decrease their power and territory. The treaty was beneficial for France; not only did it regain Alsace-Lorraine, but it also obtained control over the Saar coal mines (Halsall, 1944). Germany also lost territory to Poland and Britain (Perry, 1989). In addition, the Versailles treaty significantly reduced the military capability of Germany. The agreement required the German army to be limited to 100,000 people, all of which were to be volunteers (Halsall, 1944). Germany was also asked to demilitarize their territories in both sides of Rhine River. More importantly, the treaty demanded Germany to pay other nations due to the damages which resulted from the war. Germany was supposed to pay $33 billion worth of reparations, an amount only determined two years after the nation signed the treaty (Perry, 1989). In general, the Versailles Treaty blamed Germany for the First World War and severely punished it as a result. Consequently, the Germans were angered by the conditions of the Versailles Treaty and provoked them to start yet another world war. Germany was enraged by the demands for reparations; they thought that the amount given for them to pay exceeded the nation’s financial capacity (Perry, 1989). Germans also disagreed with treaty on grounds of being solely responsible for the outcome of the war. They upheld the belief that Germany must not be singled out, for all the nations involved in the war must be held accountable for its consequences. After the First World War, Germany became a part of the League of Nations, the organization which was created for the purpose of developing peace and cooperation between countries. The country also participated in other postwar activities directed at maintaining peace. Despite these efforts, majority of the Germans were still not ready for peace. Most of them remained bitter towards the Versailles Treaty. The animosity was derived from humiliation after defeat; after all, the settlement disarmed their nation, reduced their territories and required them to pay a great sum (Bergen, 2002). The Weimar government attempted to modify the treaty through peaceful means. When Adolf Hitler came into power, he completely undermined the Versailles Treaty (Perry, 1989). With Hitler as leader, Germany violated the Versailles Treaty and started the path to the Second World War. Hitler quickly broke the conditions of the treaty; he disregarded the limitations imposed on the country. He immediately increased the army to 550,000 men and rearmed it (Sulzberger, 1985). Hitler also sent troops in Rhineland; this action was clearly a violation of the demilitarization in the area as demanded in the treaty. In what seemed to be a response to the loss of lands due to the Versailles Treaty, Hitler sought to expand German territory by uniting all German-speaking people (Sulzberger, 1985). All of the aforementioned aggressive acts committed by Hitler sparked another global conflict and eventually resulted in what everybody feared: the Second World War. Ironically, the problems of the First World War were resolved by the Second World War. One of the problems of the Great War was self-determination, the principle wherein national groups choose their own political state (Perry, 1989). The reason behind Archduke Ferdinand’s assassination was the Serbs’ desire to unite all Slavic peoples. President Wilson included the principle of self-determination in his â€Å"Fourteen Points,† yet it proved to be problematic. Hitler even used the principle to invade other countries. After the Second World War, self-determination was no longer proposed. Instead, the Atlantic Charter drafted by U. S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill proposed the self-government to peoples. Meanwhile, the restoration of peace was also a dilemma after the First World War. The nations tried to restore peace through various peace settlements, including the Versailles Treaty. However, the treaty exacerbated the war problem. After the Second World War, there was already an international organization established to maintain peace among countries. Rather than make individual peace treaties to each Axis power, the Allied countries sought peace as the United Nations. This move proved to be more effective in restoring global peace and order (Perry, 1989). The First World War was a genuinely significant experience. The armed conflict was caused and characterized by tension, so there were many efforts to avoid yet another war from taking place. The Versailles Treaty was a peace settlement, but it did not contribute to the restoration of peace. Rather, it caused the Second World War by provoking Germany to seek revenge over its sanctions. Fortunately, with the occurrence of the Second World War, the problems of the Great War were settled.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Animal Cruelty Essay Example for Free

Animal Cruelty Essay Some people (in RSPCA so forth PETA) feel that animals are treated cruelly; however some believe that humans treat animal’s kindly, giving them homes and food. This subject has two sides including good points that help animals survive or bad points that endanger animals throughout the world. After all humans protect animals not to forget give them homes even though it is cruel and barbaric to eat animals and use them for ivory or entertainment. Firstly meat consumption is a terrible point towards this topic. As humans devour animals making them suffer the animals disappear one by one endangering the specie. For example shark fin soup is a terrible meal to eat as fishermen cut of the fins of shark leaving them in the ocean on the underwater deserts where the rays hunt for food. However some people believe that eating animals is cruel then they drop eating meat and become vegetarians. The fashion industry is another appalling point. Every year, millions of animals are killed for the clothing industry. Most leather produced and sold in the U. S. is made from the skins of cattle and calves, but leather is also made from horses, sheep, lambs, goats, and pigs that are slaughtered for meat. see more:persuasive speech topics about animals Kangaroos are slaughtered by the millions every year; their skins are considered prime material for soccer shoes. Snakes and lizards may be skinned alive because of the belief that live flaying makes exotic leather suppler. Although, many people make live broadcasts trying to stop the killing of animals due to the fashion industry in addition to, avoid the animal all together not eating it or using the clothing manufactures. Also necessary medical testing is a cruel way to kill an animal. Right now, millions of mice, rats, rabbits, primates, cats, dogs, and other animals are locked inside cold, barren cages in laboratories across the country. They languish in pain, ache with loneliness, and long to roam free and use their minds. Instead, all they can do is sit and wait in fear of the next terrifying and painful procedure that will be performed on them. Many people are surprised to learn that some cosmetics, personal care products, foods and beverages and household cleaning products are still tested on animals, or that their local university or hospital torment animals in cruel experiments. Despite the fact that animals are being tested on for dangerous experiments, people buy cruel-free products that have never been tested on animals. Moreover another dreadful way of preforming unnecessary acts is animals being used for entertainment. Animals arent actors or circus clowns. Yet thousands of these animals are forced to perform silly, confusing tricks under the threat of physical punishment; are carted across the country in cramped and stuffy boxcars or semi-truck trailers; are kept chained or caged in barren, boring, and filthy enclosures; and are separated from their families and friends just for entertainment. Zoos imprison animals in harsh environments that could never compete with the natural habitat. Marine mammal parks capture animals from the wild, tearing animal families apart; confine highly intelligent animals that were are forced to swim up to 100 miles in a day in small, concrete, chemically treated tanks. However some zoos provide animals lovely clean homes breeding them with care. The matter will go raging on day after day, week after week and year after year. After all this matter was being argued many years ago and will go on for generations to come.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Pain Management Interventions and Chronic Pain Disorders

Pain Management Interventions and Chronic Pain Disorders Introduction This essay will identify the issue of how poorly addressed acute pain in hospitalized patients may lead to chronic pain disorders, critically compare and discuss a range of pain assessment tools referring to contemporary research literature and practice guidelines for patients who are able to self describe their pain and who are unable to self describe their pain due to verbal communication barriers, critical illness or delirium/dementia. Main Body According to the International Association for the Study of Pain, pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience arising from actual or potential tissue damage. The emphasis of this definition is both the sensory and emotional experience of an individual in pain. According to Tsui, Chen Ng (2010, p.20.), Pain can be emotional, behavioral, sociocultural and spiritual. The exhibition of pain is multidimensional. Therefore, in the assessment of pain, not only a general guideline for a quick review is needed, but also a specific tool to help the professionals to have a more accurate assessment of the experience of pain from a multidimensional perspective. Clinically, â€Å"Pain is whatever the experiencing person says it is, existing whenever he/she says it does† (McCaffery, 1968). The temporal profile classification is most commonly used to classify pain.This broad classification of pain duration is often used to better understand the biopsychosocial aspects that may be important when conducting assessment and treatment. For example, many times chronic pain is a result of unresolved acute pain episodes, resulting in accumulative biopsychosocial effects such as prolonged physical reconditioning, anxiety, and stress. It is obvious that this type of time categorisation information can be extremely helpful in directing specific treatment approaches to the type of pain that is being evaluated (Gatchel Oordt, 2003). Acute pain is usually indicative of tissue damage and is characterized by momentary intense noxious sensations (i.e., nociception). It serves as an important biological signal of potential tissue/ physical harm. Some anxiety may initially be precipitated, but prolonged physical and emotional distress usually is not. Indeed, anxiety, if mild, can be quite adaptive in that it stimulates behaviors needed for recovery, such as the seeking of medical attention, rest, and removal from the potentially harmful situation. As the nociception decreases, acute pain usually subsides. Unlike acute pain, chronic pain persists. Chronic pain is traditionally defined as pain that lasts 6 months or longer, well past the normal healing period one would expect for its protective biological function. Arthritis, back injuries, and cancer can produce chronic-pain syndromes and, as the pain persists, it is often accompanied by emotional distress, such as depression, anger, and frustration. Such pain can also often significantly interfere with activities of daily living. There is much more health care utilization in an attempt to find some relief from the pain symptoms, and the pain has a tendency to become a preoccupation of an individuals everyday living. Assessment of a patient’s experience of pain is a crucial component in providing effective pain management. A systematic process of pain assessment, measurement and re-assessment (re-evaluation), enhances the health care teams’ ability to achieve: increased satisfaction with pain management. According to Buckley (2000) nurses are the primary group of health care professionals responsible for the ongoing assessment and monitoring of patients to ensure that pain is effectively and appropriately managed and that patients and families are informed of the consequences of acute pain. Assessment of pain can be a simple and straightforward task when dealing with acute pain and pain as a symptom of trauma or disease. Assessment of location and intensity of pain often sufà ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ces in clinical practice. However, other important aspects of acute pain, in addition to pain intensity at rest, need to be deà ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ ned and measured when clinical trials of acute pain treatment are planned. If not, meaningless data and false conclusions may result. The 5 key components: Words, Intensity, Location, Duration, Aggravating factors pain assessment are incorporated into the process. Objective data are collected by using one of the pain assessment tools which are specià ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ c to special types of pain. The main issues in choosing the tool are its reliability and its validity. Moreover, the tool must be clear and, therefore, easily understood by the client, and require little effort from the client and the nurse. According to Husband (2001) to measure the pain severity or intensity, several scales can be used such as a numeric rating scale (NRS), the visual analog scale (VAS), observation scales with indicators of pain, and even creative depictions of pain intensity with scale using a pain thermometer. The numeric rating scale allows patients to rate their pain on and 11-point scale of 0 (no pain) to 10 (worst pain imaginable). The majority of patients, even older adults can use this scale. The thermometer scale may be useful in the elderly, according to Rakel and Herr (2004). It shows a picture of a thermometer arranged on a background with a vertical word scale. Finally categoric scales use verbal descriptors to quantify the level of pain and those scales have been validated and are considered to be reliable. Pain assessment in older adults can be challenging and very difficult in some situations (Rakel Herr, 2004). When the patient cannot report his/her subjective pain experience, proxy measurements of pain must be used, such as pain behaviours and reactions that may indicate that the person is suffering painful experiences. Besides communication difà ¯Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ culties caused by language problems, patients in the extremes of age, and critically ill patients in the intensive care setting, are common assessment problems. Older patients may prefer to use alternate means to express their pain through the use of word descriptors that best characterize the pain, such as aching, hurting, and soreness (Herr Garand, 2001). The most important components of pain assessment in older adults are regular assessable, standardized tools, and consistent documentation (Horgas, 2003). Pain assessment may also be complicated by decreases in hearing and visual acuity, so tools that require extensive explanation or visualization to perform will be more difficult and possibly less reliable. The verbal descriptor scale may be the easiest tool for the elderly to use. This measure allows patients to describe what they are feeling with common words rather than having to convert how they feel to a number, facial representation, or a point somewhere on a straight line. An observational assessment of pain behavior may be more appropriate for people with severe cognitive impairment, for example, the Abbey pain scale. Identifying pain in the cognitively impaired older adult depends heavily on knowing the patient and paying attention to slight changes in behavior (Soscia, 2003). An interesting veiw was expressed that nurses ma y lack knowledge and have attitudes and practices toward pain management that may compromise pain management for older patients ( Yates et al., 2002, p.403). Conclusion In conclusion, References American Geriatric Society Panel on Chronic Pain in Older Persons (2002). The management of persistent pain in older persons: AGS panel on persistent pain in older persons.Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 6(50), supplement 205-224. Horgas, A.L. (2003). Pain management in elderly adults.Journal of Infusion Nursing, 26,161-165. Soscia, J. (2003). Assessing pain in cognitively impaired older adults with cancer.Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 7, 174-177 Drayer, R. A., Henderson, J., Reidenberg, M. (1999). Barriers to Better Pain Control in Hospitalised Patients. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 17(6), 434-440. Yates, P. M., Edwards, H. E., Nash, R. E., Walsh, A. M., Fentiman, B. J., Skerman, H. M., Najman, J. M. (2002). Barriers to Effective Cancer Pain Management: A Survey of Hospitalised Cancer Patients in Australia. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 23(5), 393-405. 1

Monday, August 19, 2019

Sonnys Heroic Journey in James Baldwins Sonnys Blues Essay -- Sonny

The theme of "Sonny's Blues" by James Baldwin focuses on whether a person should be conventional in making decisions for their life, or if they should follow their heart and do what is right for them. A person begins with strengths, many of which they lose along the way. At some point along their heroic journey a person may regain their strengths and develop new ones. Each phase of this journey will have an effect on them and others around them. According to his brother, who narrates "Sonny's Blues," Sonny was a bright-eyed young man full of gentleness and privacy. "When he was about as old as the boys in my classes his face had been bright and open, there was a lot of copper in it; and he'd had wonderfully direct brown eyes, a great gentleness and privacy. I wondered what he looked like now" (Baldwin 272). Something happened to Sonny, as it did to most of the young people growing up in Harlem. His physical journey growing up in the streets caused a great deal of inner turmoil about whom he was and what kind of life he was to have. One thing for sure, by the time his mother died, Sonny was ready to get out of Harlem. " 'I ain't learning nothing in school,' he said. 'Even when I go.' He turned away from me and opened the window and threw his cigarette out into the narrow alley. I watched his back. 'At least, I ain't learning nothing you'd want me to learn.' He slammed the window so hard I thought the glass would fly out, and turned back to me. 'And I'm sick of the stink of these garbage cans!' " (Baldwin 285). The garbage cans Sonny referred to seem to symbolize the life he physically lived, his inner or spiritual life and how he dealt with it. I was sure that the first time Sonny had ever had horse, he couldn't have ... ...Drama. 7th edition. Ed. X.J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia. New York: Longman, 1999. 272-295. Reilly, John M. " 'Sonny's Blues': James Baldwin's Image of Black Community." James Baldwin: A Critical Evaluation. Ed.Therman B. O'Daniel. Howard University Press. Washington, D.C. 1977. 163-169. Works Consulted Baldwin, James. "Sonny's Blues." N.p.: n.p., n.d. 122-48. Web. 12 May 2015. . "James Baldwin Biography." Bio. A&E Networks Television, n.d. Web. 11 May 2015. . "James Baldwin." PBS. PBS, 29 Nov. 2006. Web. 11 May 2015. . N.d. Poetry Foundation. Web. 11 May 2015. .

Essay --

In Iris Murdoch’s â€Å"Morality and Religion† the author, an English novelist, makes many arguments that writers can either agree with or disagree. She talks about morality and religion and the philosophy behind the two. Murdoch’s main argument is whether there can be morality without religion. She asserts her view of morality and religion by defining religion, explaining the differences between the two while questioning both, and analyzing virtue and duty. By comparing and contrasting morality and religion she makes her view ambivalent and complex therefore letting her readers decide whether or not religion is necessary for morality. While some writers extend Murdoch’s claims other writers like Aristotle complicate her view of religion and morality. Iris Murdoch starts her argument by stating that â€Å"there is only one way to acquire religion and that is through being taught it as a small child† (363). She sees religion as something that can only be attained when one is a child. She then claims that â€Å"people who take up religion as adults are merely playing at it† (Murdoch 363). By stating this, the question of whether there can be morality without religion comes into mind. If religion is needed to have morals and religion can only be attained as children that would mean that adults who weren’t raised religious don’t have morals since they are only â€Å"playing at it†. But if religion doesn’t define whether people have morals then that shows how religion isn’t necessary for someone to be moral. Murdoch is basically stating that people who take up religion as adults don’t truly know the meaning of faith and religion yet that doesn’t necessarily mean they donâ⠂¬â„¢t have any morals. A writer that complicates Murdoch’s claim is Basil Mitchell, autho... ...iveness is important to religion and it is the duty of people to forgive in religion therefore there is a relationship between both. Murdoch separates religion and duty but Lauritzen complicates her view by explaining how duty comes from religion and forgiveness is an example of that. In Iris Murdoch’s â€Å"Morality and Religion† the author questions whether or not religion is necessary for morality. She is very ambivalent with her answer as she explains the similarities and differences between morality and religion but never specifically choosing one side. Many writers extend and complicate Murdoch’s arguments but only for readers to get a better understanding of both concepts. This is significant because it helps readers better understand morality and religion and they can decide for themselves whether religion is necessary for morality or if morality is just natural. Essay -- In Iris Murdoch’s â€Å"Morality and Religion† the author, an English novelist, makes many arguments that writers can either agree with or disagree. She talks about morality and religion and the philosophy behind the two. Murdoch’s main argument is whether there can be morality without religion. She asserts her view of morality and religion by defining religion, explaining the differences between the two while questioning both, and analyzing virtue and duty. By comparing and contrasting morality and religion she makes her view ambivalent and complex therefore letting her readers decide whether or not religion is necessary for morality. While some writers extend Murdoch’s claims other writers like Aristotle complicate her view of religion and morality. Iris Murdoch starts her argument by stating that â€Å"there is only one way to acquire religion and that is through being taught it as a small child† (363). She sees religion as something that can only be attained when one is a child. She then claims that â€Å"people who take up religion as adults are merely playing at it† (Murdoch 363). By stating this, the question of whether there can be morality without religion comes into mind. If religion is needed to have morals and religion can only be attained as children that would mean that adults who weren’t raised religious don’t have morals since they are only â€Å"playing at it†. But if religion doesn’t define whether people have morals then that shows how religion isn’t necessary for someone to be moral. Murdoch is basically stating that people who take up religion as adults don’t truly know the meaning of faith and religion yet that doesn’t necessarily mean they donâ⠂¬â„¢t have any morals. A writer that complicates Murdoch’s claim is Basil Mitchell, autho... ...iveness is important to religion and it is the duty of people to forgive in religion therefore there is a relationship between both. Murdoch separates religion and duty but Lauritzen complicates her view by explaining how duty comes from religion and forgiveness is an example of that. In Iris Murdoch’s â€Å"Morality and Religion† the author questions whether or not religion is necessary for morality. She is very ambivalent with her answer as she explains the similarities and differences between morality and religion but never specifically choosing one side. Many writers extend and complicate Murdoch’s arguments but only for readers to get a better understanding of both concepts. This is significant because it helps readers better understand morality and religion and they can decide for themselves whether religion is necessary for morality or if morality is just natural.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Immune System Essay -- essays research papers

The Immune System   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The immune system is a group of cells, molecules, and tissues that help defend the body against diseases and other harmful invaders. The immune system provides protection against a variety of potentially damaging substances that can invade the body. These substances include disease-causing organisms, such as bacteria, fungi, parasites, and viruses. The body's ability to resist these invaders is called immunity. A key feature of the immune system is its ability to destroy foreign invaders while leaving the body's own healthy tissues alone. Sometimes, however, the immune system attacks and damages these healthy tissues. This reaction is called an autoimmune response or autoimmunity.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The immune system is composed of many parts that work together to fight infections when pathogens or poisons invade the human body. Pathogens are disease-causing organisms such as bacteria and viruses. The immune system reacts to foreign substances through a series of steps know as the immune response. Any agent perceived as foreign by a body's immune system is called an antigen. Several types of cells may be involved in the immune response to antigens.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When an antigen enters the body, it may be partly neutralized by components of the innate immune system. It may be attacked by phagocytes or by performed antibodies that act together with the complement system. The human immune system cont...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Charities Essay

The legal definition of charity has historically been somewhat elusive and stands distinct from any understanding of charity in a general or popular sense. As Lord Wright observed, in its legal sense the word â€Å"charitable is a word of art, of precise and technical meaning†[1]. Viscount Simmonds further remarked that, â€Å"no comprehensive definition of legal charity has been given either by legislature or in judicial utterance, there is no limit to the number and diversity of ways in which man will seek to benefit his fellow men†. The Preamble to the Charitable Uses Act 1601, also referred to as the Statute of Elizabeth I, contained a list of purposes which were then regarded as charitable. It assumed a central role for the courts as a reference point or catalogue of accepted instances of charity until almost 300 years later when Lord MacNaughten in the Pemsel case, famously classified charitable objects into four principal divisions: (i) trusts for the relief of poverty, (ii) trusts for the advancement of education, (iii) trusts for the advancement of religion, (iv) trusts beneficial to the community not falling under any of the preceding heads. These four heads of charity were used as reference whenever the inherent charitable nature of a purpose or institution was questioned until the Charities Act 2006 received royal assent. Section 2(2) of the 2006 Act now provides a modern statutory definition of charity by listing 13 descriptions of purposes deemed charitable at law. In order to be charitable, an organisation has to be established for one or more purposes within the descriptions recognised by the law as capable of being charitable, and for the public benefit. Charity law in England and Wales has developed within the context of the traditional monotheistic religions but it has embraced for many years religions other than Christianity and Judaism. In Bowman[3], Lord Parker effectively held that it was not just the promotion of Christianity that would be recognised but that the Courts of this country were not precluded â€Å"from giving effect to trusts for the purposes of religions which, however sacred they may be to millions of His Majesty’s subjects, either deny the truth of Christianity or, at any rate, do not accept some of its fundamental doctrines†. Furthermore in the Commission’s Scientology[4] decision it was firmly established that â€Å"The law does not prefer one religion to another and as between religions the law stands neutral†[5]. The English courts have, for a long time, resisted closely defining what makes some belief systems religious and others not. However in the Scientology case, the Commissioners accepted that there are various characteristics of religion which can be discerned from the legal authorities: †¢ Belief in a god or a deity or supreme being – R v Registrar General[6] †¢ Two of the essential attributes of religion are faith and worship: faith in a god and worship of that god – South Place Ethical Society[7] †¢ To advance religion means â€Å"to promote it, to spread the message ever wider among mankind; to take some positive steps to sustain and increase religious belief and these things are done in a variety of ways which may be comprehensively described as pastoral and missionary†. United Grand Lodge v Holborn BC[8]. Having considered these characteristics, the Commissioners concluded that the definition of a religion in English charity law was characterised by a belief in a supreme being and an expression of that belief through worship. This definition is further refined in the 2006 Act where s2 (3) a gives a partial definition of the word religion. However, the law does not automatically recognise as a religion everything that may designate itself as a religion and there are some principles to which a purpose must conform if it is to be regarded as within the Charities Act’s description of ‘the advancement of religion’. These general principles are gathered from the common law of England and Wales but also take into account the body of law which has developed concerning the European Convention right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. As a general proposition, for its advancement to be capable of being charitable in this context, a religion should have a certain level of cogency, seriousness, coherence and importance[9]. Also, in order to be charitable for the advancement of religion, the content of any system of faith and worship has to be of a positive nature, impacting beneficially on the community. Sir John Wickens, V-C. in Cocks v Manners[10] observed: â€Å"It is said, in some of the cases, that religious purposes are charitable, but that can only be true as to religious services tending directly or indirectly towards the instruction or the edification of the public†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Hence, to be charitable a religious purpose has to be serious, tend directly or indirectly to the moral and spiritual improvement of the public as well as being for the public benefit. In Holmes v Attorney General[11] Walton J commented: â€Å"†¦ It is not for the benefit of the adherents of the religion themselves that the law confers charitable status, it is in the interests of the public. † Hence, as a general proposition, in the case of charities for the advancement of religion the purpose must not simply be for the benefit of the followers of the particular religion. Formerly, the proposition stated that â€Å"as between different religions the law stands neutral, but it assumes that any religion is at least likely to be better than none†[12]. Plowman J in Re Watson[13] considered a case for the publication and distribution of the fundamentalist Christian writings of an individual where he quoted authority that the court does not prefer one religion or sect to another and said that â€Å"where the purposes in question are of a religious nature †¦ then the court assumes a public benefit unless the contrary is shown†. He then went on to say that the only way of disproving a public benefit is to show that the doctrines inculcated are adverse to the very foundations of all religion, and that they are subversive of all morality. However, that part of the judgment being inconsistent with the judgment of the court of appeal and opinions given by the House of Lords in Gilmour v Coats, where it was held: â€Å"†¦the question whether a trust is beneficial to the public is an entirely different one from the question whether a trust is for the advancement of religion†, it is not regarded a binding. Since the Charities Act 2006, there is no longer any presumption that, because a purpose falls within the description â€Å"the advancement of religion†, it is for the public benefit. Section 3(2) of the Act provides: â€Å"In determining whether [the public benefit] requirement is satisfied in relation to any †¦purpose, it is not to be presumed that a purpose of a particular description is for the public benefit†. Hence, with the removal of the presumption and in the modern context the proposition may now be interpreted as meaning that advancing religion can be seen as a public good if such advancement can be demonstrated to be in relation to a system having a benign and positive content which is being advanced for the benefit of the public. Over the years, there are some purposes which, despite being beneficial and religious and indeed seriously religious, did not fall within the legal framework. For example, fostering private piety, although being a religious activity, is not a charitable purpose due to the absence of benefit to the public. In Cocks v Manners[14] (supra) it was said that â€Å"a voluntary association of women for the purpose of working out their own salvation by religious exercises and self-denial seems to have none of the requisites of a charitable institution. † In the Re Joy[15] case it was held that the real object contemplated by the testator was the non-charitable purpose of improvement of the membership of a society by prayer. Further, in Re White[16], it was held that â€Å"a society for the promotion of private prayer and devotions by its own members and which has no wider scope, no public element, and no purpose of general utility would not be charitable†. Lord Simonds in the Gilmour[17] case later confirmed the decision in Cocks v Manners and said that activities â€Å"good in themselves but solely designed to benefit individuals associated for the purpose of securing that benefit, which may not have some repercussions or consequential effects beneficial to some section of the general community† do not meet the prerequisites of a charitable institution. In Re Warre’s Will Trusts, on the matter of a retreat house, Harman J said: â€Å"Activities which do not in any way affect the public or any section of it are not charitable. Pious contemplation and prayer are, no doubt, good for the soul, and may be of benefit by some intercessory process, of which the law takes no notice, but they are not charitable activities. † Thus, in Re Hetherington[18] it was held that the celebration of a religious rite in private does not contain the necessary element of public benefit since any benefit of prayer or example is incapable of proof in the legal sense and any element of spiritual or moral improvement (edification) is limited to a private not public class of those present at the celebration. However, in the same case it was also held that the holding of a religious service which is open to the public is capable of conferring a â€Å"sufficient public benefit because of the edifying and improving effect of such celebration on the members of the public who attend. † There are also other purposes related to religion whose pursuits have not been considered as charitable because the purpose itself is not exclusively charitable. For example a trust ‘for Roman Catholic purposes’ may not be for exclusively charitable purposes furthering the Roman Catholic faith[19]. Also a gift to an Anglican vicar of a parish â€Å"for parochial institutions or purpose†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢[20] was not considered charitable. A bequest to an archbishop to be applied â€Å"in any manner he might think best for helping to carry on the work of the Church in Wales†[21] is not charitable either and neither is a generally stated purpose â€Å"for religious, educational and other parochial requirements†[22]. On the other hand, In Re Schoales[23], it was clarified that there is no distinction, from the point of view of validity as a gift for charitable purposes, between a gift to the Church of England and a gift to another Church. A gift for the general purposes of a particular church or denomination or faith community falls are considered in law as a gift which has to be applied only for such of its purposes as are for the advancement of religion for the public benefit, and hence charitable. As mentioned above, charitable purposes require some promotion or advancement that is to â€Å"spread its message ever wider among mankind; to take some positive steps to sustain and increase religious belief†[24]. Proselytising is one way of advancing religious purposes[25] but it may raise public benefit issues if it breaks the law or results in harm or detriment. Therefore, it would not be compatible with public benefit principles for an organisation to seek to inhibit anyone from their rights of freedom of thought, conscience or religion (Article 9 ECHR) and to manifest or change such beliefs. This matter was considered in Kokkinakis v Greece[26] and the court in considering attempts to forbid activities of a Jehovah’s Witness confirmed that a democratic society has a plurality of beliefs and held that freedom to manifest one’s religion includes the right to convince one’s neighbor. But, the court drew a clear distinction between bearing Christian witness and improper proselytism by stating that the former was true evangelism and the latter representing a corruption or deformation of it. Furthermore, proselytising being unlawful in some countries, the Commission dealt with the issue of whether it was possible to recognise a religious purpose as charitable in England and Wales which is not charitable and may be illegal abroad in its annual report in 1993 which mentioned: â€Å"One should first consider whether they would be regarded as charities if their operations are confined to the United Kingdom. If they would, then they should be presumed also to be charitable even though operating abroad unless it would be contrary to public policy to recognise them. Hence, an organisation whose purpose is to proselytize, even if its activity is carried out internationally, may be charitable in England and Wales unless it causes harm or detriment which outweighs the public benefit. The High Court considered the statement in the Sonsino case[27] in 2002 and upheld it. However, it still remains unclear as to what the courts would rule contrary to public policy. Another way of advancing a religion would be by means of undertaking pastoral work. However, where a charity is operating solely for the purpose of advancement of religion, then any secular pastoral work which it undertakes should be as a means of advancing the particular religion. A convent in Cocks v Manners[28] was held charitable and there the nuns were engaged in exterior works (teaching the ignorant and nursing the sick) as part of their religious work. In the United Grand Lodge[29] case, Donovan J said that taking positive steps to sustain and increase religious beliefs was something done â€Å"in a variety of ways which can be comprehensively described as pastoral and missionary†. More recently, the Pilsdon Community House, a religious community living according to Christian principles and giving practical help in cases of drug addiction, drink, having been in prison or loneliness was considered in Re Banfield[30]. The court held that the fact that a religious community makes its services available to those of all creeds and of none does not prevent it being a charity for the advancement of religion also that furthering the purposes of the community amounted to the advancement of religion.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Operational Risk Management in Banking Sector: an Overview

ReseaRch PaPeR Commerce Volume : 3 | Issue : 1 | January 2013 | ISSN – 2249-555X Operational Risk Management in Banking Sector: An overview Keywords Rakesh Chutia Assistant, State Bank of India Margheita-786181 Dist. -Tinsukia Assam ABSTRACT Operational risk is inherent in all banking products, activities and processes and systems and the effective management of operational risk is of paramount importance for every bank’s board and senior management.With globalization and deregulation of financial markets, increased competition combined with the advent of high-end, innovative, sophisticated technology tremendous changes have taken place in the products distribution channels and service delivery mechanism of the banking sector. These have introduced more complexities into the banking operations and consequently the risk patterns and profiles of the industry have also become complex, diverse and catastrophic. The New Capital Adequacy Framework of the Reserve Bank of India requires bank to maintain capital explicitly towards operational risk.This paper tries to study the various methodologies used by the banks in their operational risk management activity and to study the regulatory framework related to operational risk management. Introduction Since the late 1990s, globalization, deregulation, consolidation, outsourcing, breaking of geographical barriers by use of sophisticated technology, growth of e-commerce etc. have significantly changed the business, economic and regulatory climate of the banking sector. These developments introduced more complexities into the activities of banks and their risk profiles.Consequently a series of high profile operational loss events at Societe Generale, UBS, AIB, and National Australia Bank etc. have led banks and their managements world over to increasingly view operational risk management as an integral part of their risk management activity like the management of market risk and credit risk. The identification and measurement of operational risk is a significant issue for modern-day banks, particularly since the decision by the  Basel Committee on Banking Supervision  (BCBS) to introduce a capital charge for this risk as part of the new capital adequacy framework (Basel II).Operational risk has been defined by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision as the risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems or from external events. This definition is based on the underlying causes of operational risk. It seeks to identify the causes of a loss event and at the broadest level includes the breakdown by four causes: people, processes, systems and external factors. Operational risk may materialise directly, e. g. , in electronic fund transfer (transfer of funds to the wrong person) or could result indirectly as a credit or market loss.Since there is a close linkage of operational risk with other types of risks, it is very important for banks to first have a clear understanding of the concept of operational risk before designing the appropriate operational risk measurement and management framework. Different types of operational risk in Banking Sector The Basel Committee has identified the following types of operational risk events as having the potential to result in substantial losses for banks: †¢ Internal fraud. For example, intentional misreporting of positions, employee theft, and insider trading on an employee’s own account. Externalfraud. Forexample,robbery,forgery,chequekiting, and damage from computer hacking. †¢ Employment practices and workplace safety. For example, workers compensation claims, violation of employee health and safety rules, organised labour activities, discrimination claims, and general liability. †¢ Clients, products and business practices. For example, fiduciary breaches, misuse of confidential customer information, improper trading activities on the bank’s account, mon ey laundering, and sale of unauthorized products. Damagetophysicalassets. Forexample,terrorism,vandalism, earthquakes, fires and floods. †¢ Business disruption and system failures. For example, hardware and software failures, telecommunication problems, and utility outages. †¢ Execution,deliveryandprocessmanagement. Forexample: data entry errors, collateral management failures, incomplete legal documentation, and unauthorized access given to client accounts, non-client counterparty misperformance, and vendor disputes. OPERATIONAL RISKMANAGEMENT PROCESS: Operational Risk management generally encompasses the process of identifying risks to the bank, measuring exposures to those risks), ensuring that an effective capital planning and monitoring programme is in place, monitoring risk exposures and corresponding capital needs on an ongoing basis, taking steps to control or mitigate risk exposures. †¢ Identification of operational risk. Banks should identify and assess the operational risk inherent in all products, services,activities,processesandsystems. You can read also Portfolio Management QuizzesEffectiverisk identification should consider both internal factors (such as the bank’s structure, the nature of the bank’s activities, the quality of the bank’s human resources, organizational changes and employee turnover) and external factors (such as changes in the industry and technological advances) that could adversely affect the achievement of the bank’s objectives. †¢ AssessmentofOperationalRisk. Inadditiontoidentifying the risk events, banks should assess their vulnerability to these risk events.Effective risk assessment allows a bank to better understand its risk profile and most effectively target risk management resources. Amongst the possible tools that may be used by banks for assessing operational risk are: ? Self Risk Assessment: A bank assesses its operations and activities against a menu of potential operational risk vulnerabilities. This process is internally driven and often incorporate s checklists and/or workshops to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the operational risk environment. 6 X INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH ReseaRch PaPeR Risk Mapping: In this process, various business units, organizational functions or process flows are mapped by risk type. This exercise can reveal areas of weakness and help prioritise subsequent management action. ? Key Risk Indicators: Key risk indicators are statistics and/ or metrics, often financial, which can provide insight into a bank’s risk position. Such indicators may include the number of failed trades, staff turnover rates and the frequency and/or severity of errors and omissions. †¢ Measurement. A key element of risk management is measuring the size and scope of the bank’s risk exposures.However, there is no clearly established, single method to measure operational risk on a bank-wide basis. Banks may develop risk assessment techniques that are appropriate to the size and complexities of the ir portfolio, their resources and data availability. A good assessment model must cover certain standard features. An example is the â€Å"matrix† approach in which losses are categorized according to the type of event and the business line in which the event occurred. Banks may quantify their exposure to operational risk using a variety of approaches.Forexample,dataonabank’shistoricallossexperience could provide meaningful information for assessing the bank’s exposure to operational risk and developing a policy to mitigate/control the risk. †¢ MonitoringofOperationalRisk. Aneffectivemonitoring process is essential for adequately managing operational risk. Banks should implement a process to regularly monitor operational risk profiles and material exposures to losses. In addition to monitoring operational loss events, banks should identify appropriate indicators that provide early warning of an increased risk of futurelosses.Such indicators should be forwar d-looking and could reflect potential sources of operational risk such as rapid growth, the introduction of new products, employee turnover, transaction breaks, system downtime, and so on. There should be regular reporting of pertinent informationtoseniormanagementandtheBoardofDirectors that supports the proactive management of operational risk †¢ Controls/MitigationofOperationalRisk. Withregardto operational risk, several methods may be adopted for mitigatingtherisk. Forexample,lossesthatmightarise on account of natural disasters can be insured against.Losses that might arise from business disruptions due to telecommunication or electrical failures can be mitigated by establishing redundant backup facilities. Loss due to internal factors, like employee fraud or product flaws, which may be difficult to identify and insure against, can be mitigated through strong internal auditing procedures. The Board of Directors and senior management must make efforts for establishing a stron g internal control culture in which control activities are an integral part of the regular activities of a bank.Banks should periodically review their risk limitation and control strategies and should adjust their operational risk profile accordingly using appropriate strategies, in light of their overall risk appetite and profile. Investment in appropriate processing technology and information technology security are also important for risk mitigation. Banks should also have in place contingency and business continuity plans to ensure their ability to operate on an ongoing basis and limit losses in the event of severe business disruption.OPERATIONAL RISK MANAGEMENT APPROACHES IN BASEL II The Basel framework (2004) proposes a range of approaches for setting aside regulatory capital for operational risk under Pillar 1: The Basic Indicator Approach (BIA), The Standardised Approach(TSA)andtheAdvancedMeasurementApproach (AMA). Allthethreeapproachesdifferintheircomplexityand the banks ar e encouraged to move along the spectrum of approaches as they obtain more sophistication in their risk management practices.The Basic Indicator Approach is the simplest approach for estimating regulatory capital, wherein Volume : 3 | Issue : 1 | January 2013 | ISSN – 2249-555X banks are required to set apart an amount equal to the average over the previous three years of 15% of positive annual gross income. In The Standardised Approach, banks’ activities are divided into eight business lines: Corporate finance, Trading & Sales, Retail Banking, Commercial Banking, Payment & Settlement, Agency Services, Asset Management and Retail Brokerage.While gross income continues to be the main indicator of operational risk as under the Basic Indicator Approach, the specific amount to be set apart as a percentage of the gross income varies between business lines, ranging from 12 to 18% , as compared to the 15% overall under the Basic Indicator Approach. This approach is more refine d than the Basic Indicator Approach as it takes into the account the fact that some business lines are riskier than others and therefore a higher proportion of capital has to be set apart for those business lines.The Advanced MeasurementApproach(AMA)isbasedonthebanks’internalmodels to quantify operational risk. The framework gives flexibility to the banks in the characteristics of the choice of internal models, though it requires banks to demonstrate that the operational risk measures meet a soundness standard comparable to a one-year holding period and a 99. 9% confidence level, which means that a bank’s capital charge should be equal to at least 99. 9% quantile of their annual aggregate loss distribution.Banks are required to factor in four key elementsindesigningtheirAdvancedMeasurementApproach framework: internal loss data, external loss data, scenario analysis and bank specific business environmental and internal control factors. The methodologies under the advanc ed approach are evolving and there are a range of methods in practice in banks internationally. OPERATIONAL RISK MANAGEMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF INDIAN BANKING SECTOR: The Reserve Bank of India is the regulator and supervisor of the banking system in India and is entrusted with the task of framing the capital adequacy guidelines for banks in India under Basel II.Public sector banks, where the Government of India is the major shareholder, dominate the Indian banking system, accounting for nearly three-fourths of total assets and income. These banks are large and very old banks, operating through thousands of branches spread all over the country. The new private sector banks are fully automated from day-one and operate like other high-tech foreign banks. The private sector banks have grown rapidly since the onset of reforms and have increased their share in total assets of the banking industry, whereas the public sector banks have witnessed shrinkage in their market share.The public sect or banks have only recently started automating their processes and operations. This transition has posed significant challenges in the management of operational risk to the banks as introduction of new technology and complete overhauling of the existing systems requires a re-engineering of business processes, training of manpower, audit in a computerized environment and other related operational risk challenges. The new generation private sector banks on the other hand have to deal with the risks arising from growth at a scorchingpace.WiththereformsintheIndianbankingsectorand banks being allowed to access new markets and sophisticated products, the Reserve Bank of India has also been repeatedly advising the banks to have in place an effective and resilient control framework in place to manage operational risks. Specific guidance on management of operational risk has also been issued as per which some banks; especially the larger and internationally active banks are expected to move along the range towards more sophisticated pproaches as they develop more sophisticated operational risk management systems and practices which meet the prescribed qualifying criteria. Conclusion: ManagingOperationalRiskisemergingasanimportantelement of sound risk management practice in modern day banks in the wake of phenomenal increase in volume of transactions, high degree of structural changes and complex technological support systems. RBI expects all Indian banks to strengthen their operation risk management system and to INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH X 7 ReseaRch PaPeR e in readiness to graduate to more sophisticated approaches of operational risk management under Basel norms. In order to derive maximum gains banks need to gear up efforts for speedy and effective implementation of comprehensive Volume : 3 | Issue : 1 | January 2013 | ISSN – 2249-555X operational risk management frameworks and thereby bring more efficiency, transparency, profitability and sustainabi lity into their operations. REFERENCE Reserve Bank of India, Department of Banking Operations and Development, Central Office, Mumbai, (2005), â€Å"Draft guidance note on management of operational risk†, 2.Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (August, 2003) â€Å"The Joint Forum Operational risk transfer across financial sectors†, 3. Usha, Janaki, Raman, (2008) â€Å"Operational Risk Management in Indian Banks in the Context of Basel II: A Survey of the State of Preparedness and Challenges in Developing the Framework†, 4. Rao, D, Tripati and Ghosh, Prodipta, (2008) â€Å"Preparedness of Indian Banks in Managing Operational Risk†, 5. Kale, Ketan and Agarwal, Mohit, Marsh India, (2011) â€Å"Operational Risk Mitigation & Basel II Accord – Challenges & Opportunities†. 8 X INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Dead stars Essay

The short story, â€Å"Dead Stars† was written during the American Colonization of the Philippines, a time when the modern short story, critical essay, and free verse poetry were introduced. English was the medium of learning, and became, as well, the language of the learned. This was also the time when utilitarian literature was slowly being overshadowed by the individualistic, modern view of creating â€Å"art for art’s sake†. Dead Stars by Paz Marquez Benitez (1894-1983), which came out in the Philippines Herald in 1925. This work, the first of only two short stories published by Benitez, is considered the first modern Philippine short story. It is a story of the frustrations, confusions, and heartbreak that arise from unrequited love. INTERPRETATION Dead Stars is a story about the fickleness of Alfredo Salazar, a man in his thirties who is about to be married to a woman named Esperanza after four years of their being engaged. It begins with Alfredo staring out from the open window, who is being talked about by his father and sister regarding his marriage and his love life. We are told that he was so in love, that â€Å"at the beginning he was enthusiastic–flowers, serenades, notes, and things like that–† towards Esperanza. But his sister has observed that something has happened to him, that he was no longer aggressive and perhaps, youthful. Their father then explains that it is normal, that long-engaged people are â€Å"warm now, cool tomorrow†, that Alfredo was having his â€Å"last spurt of hot blood†. Alfredo â€Å"fell in love† with another woman in just a few weeks of his â€Å"neighboring† to the Martinez Residence, where Julia Salas stayed for her visit. Julia too, seemed to have fallen for Alfredo, but both knew that what they had was against, perhaps, morality, and was subject to the scrutiny and judgement of the society. Alfredo, being an engaged man, should not involve himself with others. But he chose to live a lie, he believed he found â€Å"youth† and â€Å"heart’s desire† up in the hills with Julia. He always reasoned that † If a man were married, why, of course, he loved his wife; if he were engaged, he could not possibly love another woman.† But then he immersed himself in an illusion, in a dream that he can possibly be with Julia despite hurting Esperanza, and of course, breaking a lot of society’s rules. In the end, in his final encounter with Julia where the girl did not seem to respond to his last show of love, there he was redeemed from that delusion, that all along he was holding on to nothing; that all along he was looking at dead stars. REFERENCES: benitez.html

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

The Negative Impact of Bilangual Education

It is true that, fitting in and adapting to two different linguistic and cultural world can have lasting impacts on individuals, hence, Richard Rodriguez, in his book â€Å"Achievement of Desire†, addresses his struggles as a young boy, trying to adapt to a bilingual education and how that education alienated him from his uneducated Mexican parents. Additionally in the excerpts â€Å"How to Tame a Wild Tongue,† Gloria Anzaldua, while she mainly focuses on the language of â€Å"Mexican† people in different aspects, also mentions her strife as a bilingual student. Although these two stories are different in many ways but they both reflect the negative impact of living in the â€Å"borderlands†. To better understand those cultural conflicts, it is essential to know exactly what the borderlands consist of and who spans there, but most importantly what they represent in this context. The concept of â€Å" the borderlands† informs â€Å"a variety of disciplines at the start of the twenty-first century, with many studies focusing on the boundaries where two or more disparate conceptual, social, or political entities overlap productively†(Ybarra, 1-3). However, Anzaldua’s idea of the borderlands as an active place where people can form their own identity and political resistance remains the most influential according to multiple respected scholars. Understanding the bioregional and ecological aspect of the US-Mexico borderlands, amplifies our knowledge of how colonization, exploitation, and racism impact the land and mostly the Chicanos. Furthermore, one can attribute the concept of borderlands with bilingual education with both English and Spanish being the two territories in question, as experienced by both Anzaldua and Rodriguez. In Anzaldua’s essay â€Å"How to Tame a Wild Tongue† she describes her early childhood struggles in school. One of her memories from elementary school was when she was speaking Spanish with her friends during recess, they would tell her â€Å"If you want to be American, speak ‘American’. If you don’t like it, go back to Mexico where you belong. †(Anzaldua 43). In this situation she is forced to be silent and not speak. Growing up, she was constantly told from many of her elders that she needed to speak better English, and sound more American. Anzaldua’s own mother was ashamed of the way that she spoke English, saying it sounded like a Mexican. She reflects on two speech classes that she was required to take with all other Chicano students that had only one purpose, to get rid of their accents. â€Å"In childhood we are told that our language is wrong. Repeated attacks on our native tongue diminish our sense of self. Until I can take pride in my language, I cannot take pride in myself. † (Anzaldua 45-46). Part of language includes culture identity. It is unfair for people to feel ashamed of their identity due to the way they speak. Your language is what keeps you connected to your homeland and you should not feel guilty for speaking it. One should not have to go through speech classes to correct a native accent; the accent is a part of your identity, it is part of who you are. You should not be ashamed to speak and express yourself, because you should never be judged on how you speak, but by the content of what you’re saying. From adolescence the dominants are imposing their degrading views on the subordinates. Many of the teachers that approached these students, telling them â€Å"if they want to speak Spanish go back to Mexico†, are making assumptions based on prejudice about the individuals. The constant degrading ultimately lowers their self-esteem, making it difficult for them to feel that they can overcome being a part of the subordinate group. Anzaldua however rebels against these comments. She seems hostile to the English language and to a culture that does not honor the Spanish language in general or various Spanish dialects in particular. Her general response is one of defiance, for example when she says that to attack an individual's form of expression (in her case, speaking her Chicano Spanish dialect at school) with the intent to censor â€Å"is a violation of the First Amendment† (40). She makes it very clear that she is determined to be linguistically free despite English oppression â€Å"free to write bilingually and to switch linguistic codes without always having to translate† (41). She is determined always to have a â€Å"wild tongue. â€Å"She proves that it is okay to know more than one language and that by speaking Spanish it does not make her less of a person. It possible that she wrote her story partly in Spanish so that she could make a point that she was proud of her native language. Rodriguez suffers the same oppressions but reacted differently to them. If Rodriguez is hostile to the same culture, he does not seem to be hostile to either Spanish or English as such. Instead, he realizes that in American culture, where one language only and educational accomplishment are connected to social and material benefit, those who capture the power of language and education are more likely to obtain those benefits. But this comes at a price because obtaining those benefits usually force emotional and cultural separation from family members who lack language or educational accomplishments. Rodriguez himself admitted that â€Å"[he] cannot afford to admire his parents†¦He permits himself embarrassment at their lack of education. And to evade nostalgia for the life he has lost, he concentrates on the benefits education will bestow upon him† (Rodriguez, 15). Even Henry Staten, in his essay, remarks â€Å"how his education, which culminated in a Ph. D in English from Berkeley in 1976, gradually alienated him from his uneducated, Mexican-born parents† (Staten 8-10). In all, from both excerpts, we encounter the negative impact of bilingual education. â€Å"Rodriguez, for whom â€Å"monolingualism† in English becomes a strategy for success in U. S society, brings his personal experience to the political realm by promoting English as the sole language of public education in the U. S†¦Anzaldua, on the other hand, reflects her linguistic background with a fine toothed comb, un tangling the many strands of English and Spanish that coexist in their multilayered identity. (Ramsdell 12-16) The diversity within America is constantly growing, which in turn means American culture is frequently changing. With all of these new and foreign cultures migrating to the U. S, come many new languages. Generally, many believe that language is power, but yet, people are constantly being silenced because of their â€Å"broken English† and accent. While their politics differ widely, both Rodriguez and Anzaldua lives have been forever altered due to t heir linguistic affiliations, and most significantly by straddling on the â€Å"borderlands. †